Pregnancy is an exciting time for expectant parents, but this condition can influence your health, including your teeth. Though you might juggle various doctor appointments and at-home healthcare efforts, you should still take care of your oral health. If you neglect your dental care, you could see irreversible damage to the look and feel of your smile.
You might see changes in your dental health throughout this period. Regular check-ups from your dentist will help to prevent lasting damage to your smile. Read on to learn about three effects that you might notice in your teeth during your pregnancy.
Teeth Can Feel Loose
Pregnancy will lead to hormone fluctuations in your body, which may include an increase in progesterone and estrogen. One effect of these high amounts of these hormones is a loosening in certain bones and tissues, specifically in your mouth. This may make your teeth feel loose as if they are no longer properly secure in your mouth.
Patients might worry this means that their teeth could fall out. But you are not in danger of tooth loss, and this condition is temporary. However, it is a good idea to consult with your dentist about this issue and get an evaluation to confirm the cause of the symptoms.
Increased Risk of Enamel Erosion
Hormonal changes during pregnancy might also make your mouth more acidic. This acid can then eat away at your dental structure, eroding the enamel, the outer layer of the teeth.
With weakened tooth enamel, you could have a higher risk of cavities and other dental problems. While you can fight tooth decay, the enamel will not regenerate once lost, so you should protect your enamel for as long as you can.
Enamel erosion can also happen when you have morning sickness due to the presence of stomach acid within the mouth. Rinse your mouth after being sick to reduce dental damage.
Indulging in sugary cravings could also lead to dental erosion because sugar becomes acidic when it reacts with your saliva. The sugar can then wreak havoc on your dental structure. So pay attention to your diet, especially changes in eating habits like your sugar intake, so that you do not hurt your teeth.
Practice good oral hygiene and attend routine oral health exams for optimal preventative dental care as well. If you neglect your oral hygiene regimen, you could be in further danger of enamel erosion.
Calcium Deficiency Can Weaken Teeth
Your developing baby will require a lot of calcium during pregnancy. If you do not have enough calcium in your diet, the body will draw calcium from other sources, such as your teeth.
Your tooth enamel consists primarily of calcium. So when you suffer from a calcium deficiency, your teeth become especially vulnerable to tooth decay, breakage, and other oral health concerns. Supplement your diet with high amounts of calcium to reduce the likelihood of this problem.
Continue Attending Routine Dentist Appointments During Pregnancy
Visiting your dentist for regular teeth cleanings and exams ensures your teeth and gums will remain healthy. This crucial preventative care is still important to maintain when you are pregnant. So continue scheduling these routine dentist appointments throughout your pregnancy.
These teeth cleanings and evaluations of your smile are completely safe for patients who are pregnant. If you have questions about what your dental care will look like during your pregnancy, call your dentist today.