Bad-smelling breath might affect the best of us after a flavorful meal. But usually, you can freshen your breath and the rest of your mouth by completing your oral hygiene routine. Flossing and brushing your teeth will clear away lingering food particles that might start to decay and smell bad if they stay in your mouth.
However, if the odor from your mouth persists after this regimen, the bad breath might be a symptom of a larger oral health problem. Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can have many causes. You should talk to your dentist to pinpoint this cause and treat it accordingly.
Do not ignore halitosis because the problem may worsen without prompt intervention from your dentist. Read on to learn about three common reasons that you may develop chronic bad breath.
Poor Oral Hygiene
As mentioned, oral hygiene can freshen your breath. However, it is important to note that if you do not complete this regimen as directed, you could develop halitosis as a result. Your mouth contains natural bacteria that create a film of plaque over your teeth throughout the day.
Oral hygiene removes this plaque, but if you let it remain on your smile, it will begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss every day to avoid forming halitosis. To maximize oral hygiene, attend routine teeth cleanings at your dentist’s office as well. If you want more information on how we can help you improve your oral hygiene and get back on the right track, please visit General dentistry.
Dry Mouth
A tacky, sticky feeling in your mouth can happen due to a condition known as dry mouth. This occurs when your mouth does not produce enough saliva, and this dry oral environment allows bacteria to spread with greater ease across your teeth.
Not only can this put you in danger of oral infections, but the excess bacteria can give off a bad smell, which will affect your breath. Dry mouth often develops if you are dehydrated, so drink plenty of water to stave off dry mouth and halitosis. It can also form as a side effect of certain medicines or due to other factors. So, if the condition persists, consult with your dentist.
Advanced Gum Disease
Gum disease is an oral infection that affects gum tissue. In its early stages, you can notice inflammation in the gums. If the infection progresses, you can see serious damage to the gums as bacteria begins to collect in the gum pockets. If you would like more information on how we diagnose and treat gum disease, visit Periodontal treatment.
The bacterial build-up can give off a foul odor and make your breath smell bad. You will need to visit your dentist for periodontal therapy to get rid of gum disease. Early diagnosis and treatment of this infection can be easier to treat and can prevent the disease’s progression. Seek regular check-ups from your dentist to promote good gum health.
If you have persistent bad-smelling breath, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. They can determine if any of these underlying dental conditions are causing this symptom, and they can provide treatment accordingly that can get rid of halitosis and preserve your oral health.