As the new year begins, you might participate in the tradition of making resolutions. If you resolved to improve your overall well-being, you should prioritize your oral health. Your dentist can help you obtain a smile that feels healthy and looks beautiful.
If you have let your oral healthcare lapse lately, it may be difficult to know where to start to enhance your smile. Dr. Victor Gittleman, a dentist practicing in Morristown, NJ, offers tips for getting the most out of your dental care in 2022.
Practice Self-Care
In the wake of global breaking news stories and busy work and home lives, many individuals have spent less time than they should on self-care. When evaluating how you’d like the new year to look, you should consider slowing down your hectic schedule and setting aside time to look after yourself.
Practicing good oral hygiene is a major part of maintaining the look and health of your smile and can be a crucial act of self-care. You can feel confident in your appearance and notice wellness benefits when you take the time to floss daily and brush your teeth twice each day. Visiting your dentist for regular dental cleanings will also help you keep your smile stunning and healthy.
Utilize Your Renewed Dental Benefits
The start of a new calendar year signifies the renewal of dental insurance benefits for many individuals. Your insurance plan should cover two routine dental exams and cleanings during the year, which will allow you to preserve your beautiful smile and prevent major dental problems. You can discuss other dental treatments available to you at your annual maximum during a consultation appointment.
Consider Smile Enhancement Treatment
Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile? You can discuss smile makeover treatment options with your dentist during a cosmetic consultation.
Your dental professional will help you determine a customized care plan that will get you the smile of your dreams. Early planning with your dentist will help you budget these dental treatments so that you can reach your smile aesthetic goals this year.
Discuss Your Dental Care with Your Morristown, NJ Dentist
Morristown Cosmetic Dentistry offers professional teeth whitening services and other cosmetic dental treatment options to patients in Morristown, NJ. Dr. Gittleman has been named a 2022 NJ Top Dentist and provides expert care in general and restorative dentistry too. To schedule a consultation with our practice, contact our staff online or reach us by phone at 973.287.3337.